Common Abbreviations found in City Directories of Chicago

Edwards' Directory of the City of Chicago for 1870

ab - above
add - addition
agt - agent
al - alley
asst - assistant
av - avenue
bel - below
bet - between
bds - boards
bldg - building
blk - block
(col'd) - colored
cor - corner
ct - court
E or e - east
es - east side
est - estate
forwd - forwarding
indp - independent
insp - inspector
la - lane
lab - laborer
mkr - maker
mnfr - manufacturer
nr - near
N or n - north
ne - northeast

ns - north side
nw - northwest
opp - opposite
pk - park
pl - place
PO - post office
pres - president
prod - produce
pub - public
rd - road
r - residence
rr - railroad
sq - square
st - street
S or s - south
se - southeast
ss - south side
sw - southwest
sec - secretary
supt - superintendent
trans - transportation
treas - treasurer
W or w - west
ws - west side
whol - wholesale
wid - widow
wks - works

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